Saturday, April 02, 2005
A little WoW story In a recent patch, some players of World of Warcraft experienced a problem where the fogging gets really bad underwater, and they can't see anything. Luckily, I have not suffered that problem. I was doubly blessed, because as a Warlock, I can breathe underwater indefinitely. As I was swimming around today, I saw a general chat post saying "LFG Vast Ocean, Deep Sea". Translated, this means that the poster was looking for a group to help with the mission "Vast Ocean, Deep Sea". I knew that quest, and I knew that it was really difficult to do unless you have a group of three or more. So, I posted saying that I'd join the group, and that I could give everyone Unending Breath (for swimming underwater). Then, right after getting the group together, the leader of the group said, "I'm going to my uncle's place. BRB". I said I'd wait, and she responded with "Great. It'll only be about 30 minutes". So, I left the group, and told her to call me when she got back. Suddenly, she said, "No. Wait. I'm not going." and reinvited me. Upon reaching the quest location, I noticed that there were only three of us, and one person bailed out. As I'd mentioned, this quest needs about three or more people. I mentioned this to the sole remaining group member, and she replied, "Don't worry, we can handle it." So I dived. As I had expected, there were mobs of MOBs down there, and they all converged on us at the same time. I was fighting them as best I could, casting curses and spells on the different enemies, when I realized that the other member of my group was still on the surface, treading water. I sent a message, "WTF" (which translates to Whiskey Tango Foxtrot), and she responded, "I can't see underwater. Good luck." Grrrr... In other news, I made $50 on an investment of $2500 today, which brings my 4-day profit total to $309. This represents a 12% increase over four days, or 3% per day. When you consider that most banks will give you one or two percent interest per year, my investment strategy is looking pretty cool. In Flipball news, Erik McKenney got me some new artwork, which I've employed in the latest demo. I've been really amazed at how professional this project looks. I'd forgotten what incredibly talented people I'd been working with.
Yeah, well, to be fair, any stock investment strategy will work in the short term.
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