Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Wanna buy stock in Me? Damn, I'm in a good mood. Seriously manic mode. Yesterday, I found out about a website where they rate blogs, and trade fantasy shares in those blogs. It's here if you're interested. I only found out about it because my blog is listed on there. I account for 0.00024 % of the market share. Look upon my blog, ye mighty, and despair. Anyway, I get a complimentary 1000 shares (20%) of stock in my company (you would think I'd have controlling interest in it) and I used half of my money to buy more shares. I'm listed as as "Stable Blog (HOLD)" and also as "Underpriced (BUY)". How sweet. Hey, it just ocurred to me, If you guys jump on there, and buy up all the stock, I bet that'd make it split! We'd all be (virtually) rich! And then, you could have controlling interest in the blog, and fire my sorry ass for not updating it enough. Speaking of stock trading, I took my first big steps into applying LittleTrades today. I used $2,500 of my own money, and invested in two of the top stocks recommended by LittleTrades. At the end of the day, I had made $82.15 profit (after commissions) which is a 3.3% increase. Kick Ass! Of course, one swallow does not a spring make. I'll have to try it out more before I can call it a resounding success, and start charging people for it. Still, it was a good day. In other news, I'm pretty much wrapping up the Flipball game. Guthrie pointed out to me a design inconsistancy, in that FlipBall only closes holes in one axis (vertical). I'm in the process of fixing it, and trying to decide if fixing that bug breaks the gameplay. More news as it develops. You know, I bugged the Ex-Acclaim people for art and sound, thinking that I could maybe get an artist to work on it in his spare time. But when you open yourself up to a mixed group of people, you find those people had skills you never knew about. For instance, a programmer sent me an excellent soundtrack for the game (some of you Ex-Acclaim people might remember Mr. Osborn), and a designer sent me some great art. I'm getting responses from all over, and I couldn't be happier. Yeah, it's a good day. I'm working on difficulty levels for the game now, and once that's done, I think I'll be ready to ship. I'll probably take it to PopCap or talk to the SPA to try and publish it myself. I'm also thinking of porting it to the PocketPC and offering it to Handango. In other news, I'm working with the Bastrop Opera House on two radio plays which are to be performed live either May or June. I'm playing main characters in both plays. Rehearsals are a blast. So, yeah. If I had to guess, I'd say my stock is rising.
yeah.. been there.. can't actually get how i don't own my own blog..!
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as far as taking over yours goes.. hmm.. caareful about a behind-back takeover.. funny how life goes up, just as it seems to go down.. << Home ![]()