Friday, April 22, 2005
Teenage Japanese Schoolgirl My wife had to undergo surgery recently, so she's home and healing now. We often compare her strength to a kitten (usually by saying "as weak as a"). One of my major jobs now is to act as her hands, doing all the heavy lifting, and medium lifting, and light lifting when appropriate. My wife is a beligerant and proud woman, so she has not taken to her depreciated strength well. That's why I have to constantly remind her that I am acting as her hands. Recently, I said, "I want you to think of me as an exoskeleton. A big, dumb shell that is constantly around you, and does all the heavy lifting so effortlessly, that you don't even realize it's there. Like the shell of a crab. Or better still, like the mech outfit that a teenage Japanese schoolgirl might use to fight crime." "Basically, I want you to be my Teenage Japanese schoolgirl." "What? Why're you looking at me like that?"
hah !
but don't blame me.. i got thinking about KB1 and the bodyguard for o-ren ishii. now that was macabre.
Yeah, Gogo was awesome. Speaking of her, if you haven't already seen it, you should look up "Battle Royale". It's an excellent movie about a graduating class that is left on an island, and told to kill each other for a reality TV show.
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