Monday, May 16, 2005
Sterilize the poor Sound excessive? Sound like a raving madman, with insultingly stupid, illegally invasive solutions that no one would follow? Sound like the kind of thing that Klansmen would only whisper to each other at parties? Well, that kind of thing can happen here. And it did happen here. For 45 years, in America, land of the free. In 1929, 33 states began a program of secretly sterilizing "undesireables", defined as people who were believed to be promiscuous and/or poor. I know, it sounds like conspiracy theory stuff, and if it were unfounded, I wouldn't believe it either, but the states employed in the practice are now dealing with reparation lawsuits, and presenting public apologies. Here, this ABC News story tells about a woman in North Carolina who was sterilized after being raped (because they thought she was dim-witted, and promiscuous). I'd like to believe that this is just another mainstream media screwup, like Rathergate, or Newsweek fudging the Koran-flushing. But when one of your sources is a current state representative, it's hard to think that they are wrong about it. Now, yes, I'm shocked to find out that we were going overseas to fight (among other things) eugenics, while we practiced the same thing at home. And, yes, I'm shocked to find out that this was still going on until 1974. But the thing that really shocks me. . . this story came to light on April 23 of this year, and I only just now heard about it. I mean, Jesus Christ! This is the kind of news that should be shouted from the mountaintops. There should be widespread criminal investigations to determine where this governmental push came from. It was multiple states, so that screams federal government coordination. I want perp walks with these doctors holding newspapers up to their faces as they're marched into the courtrooms. I want criminal investigations for the politicians who found funds to pay for this procedure. I mean, is it just me, or does this just scream Strom Thurmond? I want to see them sweating under the hot lights, taking frequent sips of water, and whispering to their lawyers. I think I need to walk away from this one for a bit.
I actually remember a movie being made about something like this ... although I can't actually find any references to it anywhere I have looked. The movie was about some factory or other that decreed if the females wanted to continue working there they had to submit to sterilization as management would no longer be covering maternity or something or other. One of the ladies went to court about it .... can't really remember the outcome or the full plot but yeah this topic has been documented elsewhere its just not in the general publics right to know .... thats my conspiracy theory follower coming to the front ... the media is pretty much "lets show the american public how great we are" instead of "lets show the public what they need to know"
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