Saturday, December 04, 2004
Waste of a Sunset So I watched "After the Sunset" yesterday. Yes, thank you, Ms. Hayek. They are very nice. You can put them away now. I watched the movie because it had all the trappings of an Elmore Leonard film. A cast of criminals and thieves, one big score out there, backstabbing, betrayal, and lies. I'm a huge fan of Elmore Leonard, books and movies, because I like to think. I like movies that let me think, and I love movies that force me to think. This is not one of those movies. It makes me think of a frat house, where in a drunken stupor, the whole fraternity decides to make an intrigue movie, "So, look, all we need is, like, a thief and a cop trying to catch him, right? And the thief's trying to get this one big diamond, and they are, like, outwitting each other. That would be righteous." Somehow, I have absolutely no trouble seeing Woody Harrelson playing the drunken frat member. Seriously, 'National Treasure' had more intelligent theft plans. The whole thing was written poorly, from Salma Hayek's constant display of sex (SFW sex, if it matters), to Woody Harrelson's idiotic blundering. Speaking of Salma Hayek's assets, I noticed something kind of odd while watching the movie. As any male in a civilized society, I recognize moments of weakness that I should look away from. For instance, if there's a woman in a low-cut V-neck blouse standing in front of you, and she drops her pencil, you are consciously aware of your line of sight. Maybe you're into that kind of voyeurism, and you blatantly check her out. Myself, I deliberately avert my eyes, the same way I do when the person in front of me at the ATM is typing in their password. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against appreciating the female form. In fact, I like it quite a bit. But I can't bring myself to take advantage of a moment of weakness. It's like violating whatever tenuous relationship you already had with that woman. If she doesn't mean to flash me, I'll look away. If she rips her top off and says, "Hey, whaddaya think of these?" Well, that's a whole different ballpark (a nice ballpark to play in). If you do that often enough, avert your eyes to avoid mutual discomfort, you get to where it's second nature. You don't even recognize that you're doing it. One minute you are looking at the woman in front of you, and then you're checking your watch for no reason. The funny thing is that, while I was watching "After the Sunset" I found myself subconsciously looking away from the movie because of Salma Hayek's "accidental" displays of cleavage. The best example was when they opened up the hood on a SUV, and she climbed on top of the engine, with her shirt hanging open. Suddenly, I'm looking through my bag of popcorn. Sad, really. Back to the movie: This was the biggest waste of Don Cheadle since "Oceans 11", and the biggest waste of Pierce Brosnan since, Hmmm . . . let's see, the "Thomas Crown Affair". In fact, that's what this whole movie reminds me of. The Thomas Crown Affair was another example of atrociously stupid writing in one of my favorite genres. I don't want to keep ranting, so I'll just leave you by saying, it failed to reach the lowest common denominator, and that's coming from an American. I believed "Armageddon" more than this, for crying out loud.
Well, shucks ma'am. I'm sure it ain't nothin' any other fella'd do.
Actually, I halfway suspect that behavior is based on a deep-seated fear of my wife finding out. She's crafty, jealous, and dangerous as a cornered lion with a toothache.
hmm.. u sir are in dire need of porn.. go download some and watch !
but interesting i think i'll watch the movie for the accidental displays.. if i am not drooling like an idiot at the end of it, i'll get back to you ! thanks for the pointer ! ;-) SEV
See, now I knew somebody would take this the wrong way. Like I said, I've got nothing against checkin' out the ladies. But there's movies you watch for the ladies (I think you know which ones), and there's movies you watch for the movie. Adding sex appeal to a real movie does not make it a better movie. In fact, it detracts from it. Like adding a buxom blonde to 'Glengary Glenross'. Or adding more sex appeal to 'Death of a Salesman'. It would just be a disaster.
This movie is not porn. If you want to watch porn, save your money, and google "Jenna Jameson video clip" or something. But if you want to watch a movie for upstairs stimulation, save your money and rent a truly good film. Get yourself a copy of 'Glengary Glenross' and watch Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Ed Harris, and Kevin Spacy all at the top of their games. That movie is powerful, and I don't think there's a single breast in it. If not that one, try 'The Usual Suspects', 'Se7en', 'Fight Club', 'Pulp Fiction', '12 Monkeys', or 'The Fisher King'. There's almost no sex in any of those, but if you haven't seen them, they will change your impression of the world. And that's worth at least six bucks.
ah well.. i guess i deserved that..
but anyway i got what you said.. i was just typing without thinking.. and i've seen all the movies that u've mentioned, except maybe one.. and you are right. sometimes sex is just not needed. but i guess that's hollywood. sorry for any inadvertant hurt done. forgive ? cheerz SEV
Oh, I'm not mad, really. If you know anything about me, you'll notice that I'm given to embellishing my writing. So any paper cut sounds like a mortal wound when I write about it.
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