Wednesday, December 01, 2004
My Apologies I really hate those blog entries that are just fluff about what someone's doing during the day. The ones that go, "Nothing to report. Went to class today. Don't you hate Mondays? Etc." I promised myself, when I started this blog, that I would adhere to two cardinal rules. Rule 1) Never write a situation report without anything to say. Rule 2) Write every day. In theory, this would force me to write something interesting and worthwhile every day. In doing so, this would force me to think of something interesting and worthwhile every day. So on to my apology, I'm about to break both rules. I have to explain why I'm not writing that much, and in order to do that, I have to give you a situation report. About a year ago, I screwed up my back pretty good when somebody kicked me during a Tae Kwon Do test. At the time, the doctor said it was all musculature, and gave me some meds to relax the muscles. It worked great, and my back got all better, until July, when I picked up a 55 lb. bag of dog food. Suddenly, my back started giving out on me again. Not terribly, I could still function, but it was always there as a nagging reminder that I should never pick up anything again. So, today I had an appointment scheduled with a Massage Therapist, and I came down with a cold. It wasn't a bad cold, not enough to cancel the appointment, but enough to make the world a little swimmy. During the massage therapy, he tells me that by loosening up the muscles, they will be dumping a bunch of poisons into the bloodstream (because the muscles had previously been to pinched to circulate normally). He tells me that I should expect to feel a little sick for a few days. Did I mention I would also be sore after the therapy? Of course, I knew that going in. But, see, here's the thing. I'm currently suffering from the following issues 1) Bad back, 2) slight cold, 3) sore back, and 4) muscle poisons. The cumulative effect is that I'm completely wiped out, and I can't even think of anything funny to say. Not even with an obvious joke like "muscle poisons". I was actually watching Jim Henson's "The Storyteller" earlier today, and I started thinking about how easy it would be to write my own children's stories (after all, if Hillary Clinton can write a children's book, surely I could). But that's going to have to wait for the walls to stop spinning.
Well I hope you feel better soon, it obviously sounds like you arn't having a good time at all.
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Look at it this way, after your off your back, you will be able to do something amusing that you can post about for everyone to read :D << Home ![]()