Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Immoral cells made good
You've probably already heard about this, but I'll tell you here just in case. A woman in South Korea has been paralyzed for the last twenty years because of damage done to her spine. Yet, last week, she was up and shuffling around in front of reporters. How is this possible? Through the miracle of stem cells.

I really wanted to shake an accusatory finger at the Bush administration, using this story as background. Unfortunately, the stem cells used to save this woman were from the blood of an umbilical cord; and it turns out that GW has always been a fan of those stem cells. The issue is not the umbilical stem cells, which are limited in the number of tissues they can build into, but the embryonic stem cells, which are capable of becoming almost any tissue in the body.

Still, even if I don't get to stand on my soapbox, and rail on the President, it is an amazing story. This should change the way we look at medicine, and challenge the limits of medical care.

am linked to you now !

And now I'm linked back to you. Thanks!

Also, I made a button using your color scheme

It's there on the left, next to silver-logic and Riika's Realm.

Hope you like it!
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