Thursday, November 25, 2004
Existential game saves. I was just playing GTA: San Andreas a second ago, and I noticed something wholly unseen in the history of man. First of all, you have to understand something about the way they do savegames. When you step on the little floating floppy disk, the game will do five things: save your game progress (obviously), fully heal you, fully feed you, drop any wanted level you may have gained, and advance the clock by six hours. In the past, I have always assumed that it worked like this: I walked into my safehouse, got something to eat, had a bit of a lie down to refresh myself, and then came out six hours later. However, I have a spinning savegame icon that's standing in between two pillars in front of a garage, so it's not really a safehouse. Anyway, I was running out of health, because my wanted level was at about three stars (not impossible to survive, but impossible to ignore). Cops were pouring out of the landscape, shooting off all of my armor, then most of my health. I got to the savegame icon with only one percent health, and a cop pointing his gun in my face. As I was looking down the cobalt blue barrel, the screen flashed to a "Save Game?" prompt. I said yes, and the game resumed. It was six hours later, I was still standing in the middle of the parking lot, and still looking death in the barrel, when the cop put his gun down and walked away. It had such an existential feel to it, that I figure this is what happened: The cops were pursuing me when I suddenly blipped out of existence. They ran a five-hour exhaustive manhunt, during which I could not be found. One cop stayed in place, swearing to all the others, "I don't care what you say! He freakin' vanished, man!" Then, just as he was giving up hope, I blipped back into existence in front of him. The vision of me, appearing like magic in front of the cop was a highly religious experience, one that made him rethink his whole moral outlook. He put his gun down, swearing never to raise it to another man in anger, and went home to tell his wife that they were going to buy a farm and live off the land. Of course, it could be one of those normal gameplay invariants, but I like my version better.
i can't really better that one.. but i am going to try.
basically when you blipped outta existence, the man facing you underwent a shift in thinking. he explained it as the movement of himself into a parallel multiverse, where our 5 hours pass as five minutes. even as rationalization set in in his mind, to protect him from reality, he found you in front of him. at that point, he decided that nothing was real, and that he'd better go back to being a nuclear physicist. or wait that was what happened with me.. cheerz SEV
Or maybe it happened like this:
You dropped to your knees and many favors later, made you say "Oh what a lovely tea party!" and then the cop said "fuck it" and let you go. Of course the game can't show that kind of dirtyness. GTA's character is pretty resourcesful, but manly also, so we can't let this little secret out.
Here's another possibility: Maybe we were playing the rarer version of Hide-and-go-seek, where he closes his eyes and counts to 21,600. Then, when he opened his eyes, he saw me, and I was "It".
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