Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Experiment results Wow, did I nail it or what? I got 10 unique visits total, with a page view count of 20. I found out about a blog out there ( ![]() Most of the page views were from SEV, but I'm not too worried about that because I figure any return business at all is probably just looking at the main page to see what I'm going on about today. On the whole, pretty much the results I expected. Now I'm going to try loading up the banners, but nothing else, and see if that changes anything.
Count me inside the real viewers from now, I found your site through a banner at BlgoExplosion and think its nice and plenty of juicy details. If you wish to visit me back, you can find me at (btw, you were added to toom the lucky ones that get visited daily :p
partly also because i had not been online for a while, so was on a catching up spree..
also, why would you be worried about most of the page views ? just curoius. cheerz SEV
Don't worry about it SEV. I just mentioned it because I was trying to find patterns in the sample data. If I said, "10 viewers and 20 page views" it makes it sound like everybody looked at two pages. But if I point out that half of the 20 were from you, then the average pattern of one visit / one person is revealed.
Fact is, this is a fairly unscientific experiment, because I'm only taking one day, as compared to a larger sample set of a month or so. Still, it's kinda fun.
To Anonymous:
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Well, thank you. It's always nice to hear from viewers, and doubly so to hear about new 'real viewers'. Let me see, I guess I should be working on a button for you now. . . I'll get this done ASAP, but my laptop's on the fritz right now. Thanks again. << Home ![]()