Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Eggroll Porn True Story. At about 4:00 a.m. I couldn't sleep, so I got up and made plate of mini-eggrolls for a snack. I sat down and turned on the TV (which had been left on Showtime) as I took a bite out of the first eggroll. It split open and some of the (celery/carrot/chicken/other) burst out and landed on the remote control. Well, I didn't have a napkin or anything to wipe off the remote, and it looked pretty clean anyway, so I started to lick the eggroll yolk off of the remote control. That was when my wife walked in, to see me, in my pajamas, licking the remote control, while soft-core porn played on the TV. Some things, you just can't adequately explain.
My wife was pretty bleary when she saw me, so she just stood there while I stumbled through the "No, uh, you see, it's not what it looks like."
So, I think the first thing she said was, "I'm sure", then stomped off to bed.
Good thing it was just eggroll innards. What would your wife do if you were licking pu pu platter off your remote?
How long did you wife's 'huff' last ? Did the stomping and slamming continue into the next day (as mine generally does)?
Okay, that is the BEST STORY that I've heard all year. HILARIOUS!!!!!
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