Friday, December 24, 2004
Missing a vowel. Short, funny moment: When I heard about the TV show "Lost" I set up the TiVo to record them all, but I hadn't watched any until yesterday. My wife and I have been watching all the episodes in one big block, and we got up to the last one today. So I walked into the kitchen and said, "You wanna watch the last Lost in the list, lest we lose it?" She slitted her eyes at me, and said, "You're trying to fit the word 'lust' into that question, aren't you?"
"You wanna watch the last Lost in the list after lunch, lest we lose it?"
Or "You wanna watch the last Lost in the listbefore we luge, lest we lose it?"
Hmmm . . . Those work, but I was really going for a L*st, so the only choices I had were 'lust' and 'lyst'. I'm thwarted by the lack of sex on that show, so lust doesn't work (and I'm pretty sure lyst isn't a word).
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