Thursday, December 16, 2004
I love bad Eggnog It's not a popular sentiment, I'll grant you, but I just love the stuff. I could drink it all year round. No kidding. I should point out that I'm not talking about the "good" eggnog. You know, the stuff that's basically just a way of thickening a whiskey drink, so you don't get drunk as fast. I mean the "bad" eggnog. The non-alcoholic kind that you can get from any corner store. The kind that Californians wrinkle their noses at, and turn away from you in disgust. It tastes like butter, sugar, milk, and just a little bit of egg (to make the drink thicker). It's so thick you can sip it and still feel full. You can warm it and have a sustaining bracer against the winter wind. Myself, I gulp it down cold until I get an ice-cream headache. I'm just weird like that. It looks horrible, yellow and thick, with tiny seeds in it (that I dare not inquire about). The taste is a sugar rush that puts Mountain Dew to shame. Were it not for my increasing waistline and the fact that they don't stock it all year, I would drink it with every meal. And between meals, while I'm working. And as a midnight snack. . . Video of the Day: Snow Blind
hmm.. never tried eggnog, but will have the english version this xmas.
what do i ask for ? the eggnog that makes me fat ? or the eggnog that no-one wants to drink ? SEV
10-to-1 you're going to have the good version. You really have to come to the nation of the "supersized" meals to totally basterdize great food. Living in Europe, you probably have a varied and subtle palatte, which would be quickly and tragically annihilated by American foods.
If you're really interested in "bad" eggnog, you probably only have to ask for the non-alcoholic eggnog. If people frown at you, and snear a little, you know you've got the right one. Especially if they ask, "Are you sure? You know what that stuff tastes like?"
The bad/good eggnog I like is the canned stuff, I think "Borden" makes it...the little flecks you see floating in it are pieces of vanilla beans... byw, don't know if its BlogExplosion or my computer but it wouldn't allow me to sign in as ImpailedHeart... um, no.. you don't know me... good writting ...
Hmm . . . I never tried the canned kind, but I think the stuff I have is Borden. Love it, love it.
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Somehow, knowing that it's vanilla beans takes some of the mystery out of Eggnog. As though I was hoping that it would turn out to be an LSD derivative or something. Still, it's better than finding out that it's little chunks of grasshoppers, or something. Where can we find you "Impaled Heart"? What's your blog's address? << Home ![]()