Thursday, December 23, 2004
Too busy to think funny. I've been working on these chapters pretty much non-stop today. I'm so freakin' tired. Unfortunately, I've been to busy to even read the news or pay much attention to current events. One thing I saw did really burn me up. Apparently, a seventh grader was booted from a school "holiday dance" for wearing a Santa suit. The principal defends this decision by saying that there are many children who attend the school who are not Christians, and he didn't want to upset them. Because, as you know, Hindi children are stricken dumb with fright at the sight of Santa Claus. I'm not religious, and I'm not arguing in favor of Christians, but dammit, Santa isn't religious either! Apparently, the offending seventh grader was going with a friend who wore a green hat and elf ears. Why they didn't throw the other kid out on his elf ass, for Christmas by association, I'll never know. This could be a really slippery slope for people. Last year, we banned Christmas as a separation of church and state. This year, we're banning people who try to look like Santa. Next year, we're banning anyone looking jolly or giving gifts to one another. And the year after that, we take out the Clydesdales. One day, we will finally be able to abolish snow, and then we will have finally wiped this horrible season of kindness, generosity, and joy. My wife says I'm taking this too far, but I think snow has as much to do with the religious celebration of Christmas as Santa has. A better solution? Allow all the kids to dress up as whatever the hell they want, as long as it's not religious. I agree, the state has no place telling people what religion to follow, but again, Santa's not religious!!! By the way, we do kick kids out of school for wearing burkas, right? Video of the day: Red Sox ![]()