Thursday, October 21, 2004
Ice, Ice Baby So, I just had a weird thought. Water at zero degrees Celsius turns into ice. But when it gets a lot colder than that, it becomes more solid. So, zero-degree ice is kinda brittle, while ice at -100c is like rock. So I was just wondering, does that give different kinds of ice a complex? Does the colder ice think that it's just more 'hard core' than the warmer ice? Do you end up with ice gang wars, where it's the North Coast against the South Coast? "Look Officer, we was jus' chillin in the cup, see. Then these two weak-ass cubes come up and start trippin' like they all solid. Now, a brother don't wanna see the chips fly, but when you start givin' us static, we gonna chill yo' limp, watery ass." Like I said, just a weird thought. ![]()