Thursday, November 04, 2004
No more posts after 1:00 a.m. Okay, I was really tired yesterday, when I posted that thing about the teeth warriors. I had originally written something about the guy who climbed into the lions pen in Taipei, hoping to convert the lions to Christianity. I used it as an example of American thinking, the righteous self assurance that can sway all other factors. Anyway, it was looking pretty preachy, so I deleted it, and threw together that teeth thing. It was just to have something to post. I spent all day today working on building Windows Services with "managed" C++. God, I hate Microsoft. They made it really easy to build a Windows Service in .Net, and really easy to do event logging through the same. However, the executable is really big, there's no way to access the object you're creating (because it doesn't 'really' exist ?!?!), so there's really no way of knowing why or where stuff falls apart. This was day two of Windows Service training, and I now think I understand it well enough to say that it is a bubbling pile of poo. Every serious programmer I could find online, writing about services, said that services should never be written in "managed" C++ or .Net. However, I can't find any samples or code illustrating an alternative. Great. After that, about 10:00 p.m. I started in on GTA: San Andreas. I figure I'm about 30-50% of the way through the game. I completely owned all the 'hoods in my area, but then a twist of fortune screwed it all up. Now I'm in a much larger world, with no clear goal in mind (except the eventual revenge against damn near everybody on Earth). The game is growing on me. I still hate the environmental stuff (certain hours of the day are just un-freaking-playable because of the sun flare or because it's too damn dark), but I'm starting to like the radio more. I listen to DST a lot, or Los Santos Radio. Even K-Rose is starting to grow on me. Anyway, I'll try to have a more interesting life tomorrow, so that it will be worth writing about. ![]()