Saturday, November 06, 2004
Losing it.
I have a pretty serious problem regarding my personal projects. I will normally start out with a flurry of activity, culminating in a working prototype in a remarkably short amount of time. However, once I'm past that point, made a schedule for all the remaining points that need to be visited, and started work on that, I lose all concentration. I start playing a video game, or working on another project, or just spend a lot of time reading. Next thing you know, three weeks have passed, and nothing is done on the project. Or worse, I lose the thread of the project altogether, and it sits on my hard drive as just "sample code" to use for future development.

I should point out that this only happens on my home projects, I don't know why, but I never seem to suffer this at work. Maybe it's because I'm required to be sitting in front of my computer at assigned times, and that leaves me little argument for attention alternatives (always be alert for alliteration : ) ).

Anyway, I'm at one of those points now. It's really harsh this time, because I've got GTA: San Andreas to contend with as well. I could happilly spend the next few weeks doing nothing but playing that game, if it weren't for physical and familial repercussions.

So here I sit, in front of my computer. I cleared my desk off. No distractions; and come hell or high water, I will implement a scroll bar mechanism in my report generator today. Oh, that's right. It's on now. I'm Mr. Industry today. Gonna get stuff done. Yeah!

But, actually, I'm just writing a blog post. And I gotta go to the bathroom. Come to think of it, did I pay that water bill my wife handed me? Technically, I should do that first. Yeah.

After that, though. Definitely.

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