Thursday, November 18, 2004
Some interesting little stats about you. So, I've been on this BlogExplosion thing for a couple of days now, and I took a look at some of the stats originating from it. From your time zones, I'd say that 70% of you are American (North or South) or Canadian. Internet Explorer seems to be the browser of choice (with 48% of the hits), but Good News! Mozilla comes in at #2 with 44% of the hits! Sweet! One day, all men will throw down the yoke of oppressive, buggy, proprietary browsers. And when that day comes, O when that sweet day comes my brothers and my sisters, then we shall walk arm in arm through the . . . Whoa. Lost myself there for a second. 85% of you speak English, which makes some sense given the time zone ratio. Half of you have browsers capable of version 1.3, and the other half get as high as 1.2 (I'm guessing this is the same divide as the Mozilla vs. IE split). Every single one of you have had cookies enabled. Well, I guess I can start tracking data from you now. Muhuhuhuhahahaha . . . Just kidding. ![]()